Monday, October 11, 2010

Lots of Hard Work and Testing Lead Up to Long Weekend

For the weeks prior to our fist long weekend since Labor Day, students and staff have been very busily attending to their program of study and participating in two important assessments: the NWEA Measures of Academic Progress and the New England Common Assessment Program (NECAP). All of ur Grade 3-5 students have completed their fall NWEA testing (results due back shortly), and Grade 5 students have completed their NECAP testing (Grade 3 & 4 will take their NECAP tests this coming week).

Also recently, a number of classes have enjoyed their annual fall field trips that have been extremely educational and enjoyable for all in attendance. Our intrepid third graders even braved cool, blustery, and wet weather for their annual City of Laconia walking field trip.

Back to academics and testing. A couple of weeks ago, you received a letter authored by our school superintendent, Mr. Robert Champlin, notifying you of our 'School in Need of Improvement' status for the coming year. This is nothing new for our school district or for most school districts across our state. In fact, with the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) 'passing' bar raised significantly over the past year, many schools who have long enjoyed a reputation for academic excellence have now found themselves on the 'School in Need of Improvement' list -- in fact very few schools in the state have escaped the designation to this point. With the cut-off for a shool's passing grade at above 90% of their entire student population (and every subgroup as well -- i.e., special education, socioeconomic status, students with limited english proficiency, etc.) needing to achieve a score of 'Proficient' (a rigorous mark to meet for any student), many great schools are now being informed that they are a school in need of improvement.

A number of WHS parents have expressed an interest in learning more about the 'No Child Left Behind' law, the NECAP testing process (the results of this test determine our school's NCLB status), and our school's plan to adress our School in Need of Improvement designation. Fabulous! Even better: a few parents have offered to become part of the solution at WHS and join our School in Need of Improvement (SINI) Team!

I am looking to set a date in the next week or two to meet with parents to discuss these matters. Hopefully, we'll be able to conduct a webinar for those who can't attend our meeting, or at least record the meeting for a podcast to post on this blog. If you are interested in attending, please email me ( and share what upcoming days would be best for a 7:00-8:00pm. meeting (or which days should be avoided), and we will publicize the meeting as soon as the date is set.

In the interim, you can begin to review our school's recent NECAP results at : Results for this year's NECAP test administration will not be available until mid-winter.

Many thanks for your interest and involvement, everyone. At WHS, we are a very good school with a determination to become a GREAT school!! With your support, we are sure to get there.

Have a great week!!
