After a very smooth and quiet start to our school year, we began to layer in fall testing, job-embedded teacher professional development, PSU student visits, and emergency response procedures, as well as fall field trips, picture day, and assemblies.
The good news is that most all of our systems are now up and running, and fall testing is over.
However, we still have a couple of emergency response exercises to conduct over the next couple of weeks, and a couple of assemblies for our students to enjoy and learn from, as well (Larry Frates -- Anti-Bullying, Odds Bodkin -- Storytelling). We are definitely looking forward to easing back into familiar routines and a consistent pace of life here at Woodland Heights. We have just a few more bumps in the road over the next couple of weeks (and they are good 'bumps'), but other than that: smooth sailing!
Routines and rhythm are extremely important to a school community. When you've got it, you know it, and everything feels right. When you don't, you know it, and things feel disjointed, scattered, and not as productive as we would like. Student behavior can sometimes deteriorate a bit, also, during unsettled times.
After returning from our long Columbus Day weekend, we'll be working hard to lower the excitement level and increase the focus level here at WHS. Once we re-establish the rhythm of our learning community, we will be back on track for strong academic growth, and continued improvement of our school climate here at Woodland Heights.
Although it is time to take our boats out of the water, we anticipate plenty of smooth sailing in the time ahead at Woodland Heights School!