The teachers at WHS have been encouraged by our assessment results over recent years, but after receiving our winter assessment results this year, we are thrilled! For the last couple of years, overall, in reading and math, our students have performed above anticipated growth targets (they have not only grown in skills consistent with projections over time, they have exceeded them by a significant margin).
Though our school still scores slightly below the national average on the NWEA assessment for students in Grade 3-5, if we continue to improve our scores at the current rate, we will eclipse that long-held and elusive goal this coming spring!
We view these results as the product of exceedingly hard work by our staff, the implementation and refinement of new programming and instructional techniques, and an increased focus on achievement by our students. Our kids are really striving to be true Wildcats and meet parent and teacher expectations for citizenship and achievement at Woodland Heights School.
Way to go, WHS: always getting better, and clearly moving on up!