Saturday, March 22, 2014

2013 NECAP Testing Student Reports Sent Home on March 14th!

This past October, our students in Grades 3-5 participated in the NECAP Statewide Assessment.  We have received our Student Reports, and sent them home with our students recently.  As you may remember, this test is very challenging for students, and requires a good deal of stamina as there are multiple subtests in Reading and Mathematics that include multiple-choice test items, as well as short– and long-response written items.  Additionally, our 5th Graders take subtests in Writing. 

Overall, our school-level results this year are consistent with our results in recent years.  We keep progressing as a school, at a slow but steady rate, as evidenced on this assessment.  For more information about our school’s 2013 NECAP results, please use this link.

Our AIMSweb and NWEA test results have brought us much more encouraging results, and are seen to match more closely our current programming and instructional methodology in the Laconia Elementary Schools. 

As you review your child’s NECAP student report, consider any questions or concerns you may have, and then reach out to your child’s teacher or principal.  We would be delighted to speak with you about this test, school and student level results, and what we are doing to improve everything that we do here at Woodland Heights.  As always, thank you for your partnership and your support!