Friday, April 25, 2014

WHS Spring Break Offers Time for Reflection and Preparation

At the end of each April we look forward to Spring Break as an opportunity to catch our breath and take stock of our work since Winter Break at the end of February.  At WHS, we continue to push forward in the areas of curriculum, instruction, assessment, and community building.  Over the past seven weeks we held a number of staff meetings, faculty leadership team meetings, job-embedded professional development meetings, district council meetings, and grade level PLC meetings.  Each meeting involved groups of school and/or district leaders working to bring our organization 'to the next level'.  It is in these meetings that people come together, reflect on our progress toward established goals, evaluate our practices, and make refinements to plans that will make our work even more effective.  During the weeks between late February and late April, a great deal of 'heavy lifting' occurs that we hope will manifest in our spring and year-end assessments which occur in the final weeks of the school year.

As our Spring Break comes to a close, our teachers have recharged their batteries, re-energized, and are fully ready to make the final push of the school year before our long Summer Break.  The next handful of weeks will be very active, fast-paced, and productive.  The weeks of May and June will move quickly, and before you know it, we'll be parting ways for the 10 weeks of Summer Break - 2014.  Hold on, everyone, it is time for the final stretch of what we hope will be one of our most successful school years in recent history.

Thank you for your support thus far, and we look forward to making the last segment of the school year truly wonderful for you and your children!  More news about our final weeks will be posted soon.  Ready to go, Woodland Heights?  Let's roll!!