A team is a group of individuals, who work cooperatively to reach a goal. At Woodland Heights, our goal is to offer a quality educational experience for every child.
Most people are familiar with sports teams, but are less familiar with teaming in the modern workplace. Forming and serving on collaborative work teams will be an essential skill for our students to develop in preparation for the workplaces of tomorrow. At WHS, our staff members model the teaming concept in everything that we do.
Like every great learning organization, the WHS staff is made up of many teams. Working collectively, toward common goals, our overall strength and effectiveness is greater than the sum of its parts. Working together, we can do great things!
Our classroom teachers and paraprofessionals belong to one primary grade level teacher team, or Professional Learning Community (PLC): Grade 1, Grade 4, etc. Our Specialist Team comprises a team of their own (Music, Computer, Physical Education, etc.), as does our Office Team (School Counselor, Nurse, Secretaries, Student Services Coordinator, etc.). Some of our staff members belong to multiple primary teams, such as our Special Education and Title I Teachers, who form an 'interventionist' team and also belong to a grade level team.
Additionally, most all of our staff members belong to one or more secondary school-based teams (Faculty Leadership, Safety, WildCORE, etc.) which are formed to address particular school-based initiatives or issues. Others may serve on school district councils (Humanities, Technology, Math & Science, etc.) to engage in district curriculum, instruction, and assessment projects.
We know that we are better when we work together -- teachers working in isolation are a thing of the past, and likely never happened in our open-concept learning community! Our staff members work together on almost everything that they do. We are more effective this way, and it is more fun! That is why you will typically see kids working together on cooperative learning activities, projects, or assignments at Woodland Heights. The many collaborative experiences they enjoy at WHS will serve them well later in their learning, and in their workplaces during the time after that.
We have many small teams here at Woodland, but our greatest strength is clearly our whole school team. After all, We Are Woodland!