Contrary to what one might think, the month of December is prime time for teaching and learning at WHS.
Rather than a time to take our foot off the pedal and bask in the holiday glow, this is a time to make a final push to finish our fall unit plans and prepare for our winter testing cycle. Shortly after students return from the Holiday Break, they will participate in our winter assessment program. Students in Grades K-2 will take the AIMSweb assessment and students in Grades 3-5 will take the NWEA assessment for the second of three administrations this school year. Three times a year (Fall, Winter, Spring), Woodland Heights students complete these important tests, which serve as a measuring stick for our effectiveness, and suggest where changes need to be made in order to maximize learning experiences for our students.
We have three important weeks in the month of December to teach, teach, teach, and learn, learn, learn. You can be assured that your friends at WHS will make the most of them.
As has been expressed so many times before, we are excited and grateful for the opportunity to work with your child(ren) here at Woodland Heights. If ever there is something that we can do to support your child and her/his learning at our school, please be in touch, and let us know. As always, we want your child to experience the best education possible in our learning community. Let's maintain our strong partnership, and make your child's success a reality at Woodland Heights. Every day of elementary school is critical to a child's academic and character development, let's make each one great!