Thursday, September 22, 2011

Fall Curriculum Night a Success, and Podcast Posted

On behalf of the WHS Staff, I'd like to thank the many WHS families for coming out to join us this evening for our annual Fall Curriculum Night. Our event was very well (and enthusiastically) attended by many new and returning friends. Your participation in our event this evening means a great deal to us, and to your children. Again, thank you.

Here is the podcast recorded during my presentation at the close of our program. Regrettably, our movie did not finish rendering until six minutes after our program concluded. No kidding. Isn't that the way! Oh well, at least we got to see some video clips of the kids and teachers in action this morning, and I think that was enjoyed by our audience.

Again, thanks for joining us this evening, and if you couldn't attend our 7pm. presentation, here is an audio recording for you to enjoy (or listen to if you ever have trouble falling asleep -- Zzzzzzzz!). [The podcast could take a few moments to load. thanks for your patience!]

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

WHS Fall Curriculum Night and Other Reminders ....

This is just a quick note to remind you that we will hold our annual Fall Curriculum Open House tomorrow night from 6:00-7:00pm., with a formal presentation to follow from 7:00-7:30pm. Please plan to join us for this great celebration of the work our students have done so far this year. Here are some hints and information on what to expect at our Open House: parking will be at a premium (as always), please drive carefully as you enter and leave school grounds, a ‘Scavenger Hunt’ will be organized for the children (students who complete the activity will receive a coupon which can be redeemed at our school book fair), please arrive early enough so that you can visit all areas and departments of the school, there will be free snacks available in the MPR during Open House, there will be a WHS Website webquest for your family to complete as part of the scavenger hunt, and beginning at 7pm. we’ll offer a principal’s presentation (“WHS: Our Focus on Children and Learning”) in the MPR. All Open House activities will end as close to 7:30 as possible to get the kids and teachers home for a good night’s rest!!

More good news: The WHS-PTO has made arrangements to extend its fall fundraiser for a couple more days. If you had wanted to participate, but missed our original date, you have until the end of this week (absolutely no later) to do so.

Also please remember that next Thursday the 29th is WHS School Picture Day! You will soon receive a packet from our school photographer with information about school portraits this year.

Many thanks for your support, and see you tomorrow night!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Fall Student Assessments Already Underway!

We've just started our year together at WHS, and yet it is time to begin our annual fall assessment activities. Why do we subject our students to testing almost as soon as they step through our doors to begin a new school year? Although we use this student achievement 'baseline' to measure growth over the coming months against the results of future test administrations, the greatest power of this assessment data is in its application to help inform teachers relative to individual student learning needs. It provides another perspective or 'data point' that teachers can use to inform their instructional decision-making in the weeks and months ahead. The data is analyzed by teachers individually, and as a member of a grade level team through our Professional Learning Community (PLC) meetings. School Administration also analyzes this testing data to measure our progress toward acheiving school performance goals and our progress in the effective implementation of powerful school improvement initiatives. In short, testing in schools is a big deal, and a common practice / student experience in the modern public school.

So which tests do we use at Woodland Heights? Although there are more than what will be listed here, the key assessments administered at our school include AIMSWeb testing for students in Kindergarten through Grade 2, and the NWEA Measures of Academic Progress (NWEA-MAP) for students in Grades 3-5 (students in Grades 3-5 must also take an annual state-wide assessment called NECAP in early to mid-October). These assessments include subtests in various areas of reading literacy and mathematics. The assessments (AIMSWeb & NWEA-MAP) are administered in September, and then again in January and in May. The data that we are able to obtain through these testing experiences help us to create a composite for individual student, grade level, and school-wide growth in performance toward high standards for student schievement. Most imprtantly, though, the data helps us to make better decisions about what we do for students and how we do it here at WHS. Without assessment data, we'd be guessing and working on a 'hunch' when planning instruction for students. Student assessment data gives us a specific point on the road map to higher student achievement. Knowing precisely where we are right now allows us to more effectively chart our course to our ultimate destination in the days and weeks ahead.

Our assessment practices are not unlike the way Patriots Head Coach, Bill Bellichick, and his coaching team collects data by taping games on Sunday and then analyzing the results in meetings beginning on Sunday evening. The cadre' of coaches then conduct meetings with specific individual players and groups of players to coach/teach/lead them to more effective performance during the next game. In a similar fashion, our teachers obtain and use assessment data with colleagues and students to foster ongoing improvement in academics and everything else that we do -- hopefully leading us all the way to victory in our own 'Big Game'.

To learn more about the assessments we use at Woodland Heights, you can go to the following websites for AIMSWeb, NWEA-MAP, and NECAP. As always, we welcome your questions and feedback. Do not hesitate to contact your child's teacher or school administration at your convenience if we can assist you in any way.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Professor Mahesh Sharma Shares Math Teaching Strategies at WHS

Professor Mahesh Sharma has returned to our school district and been 'in the house' here at WHS all this week. Dr. Sharma spent time with us last spring and a full week training teachers in late July. Now he is back in town to share direct applications of his teachings, and facilitate our implementation of his mathematics instruction strategies. 'Mahesh' (as we know him) is pulling together grade level teachers from across our school district to meet at WHS and enjoy some direct instruction and opportunities for practice teaching of our mathematics curriculum 'non-negotiables' (the essentials of what must be taught and learned by every student at a particular grade level). Mahesh is also modelling instruction as he demonstrates lessons with classes here at WHS. He has been concluding each training session with a debriefing meeting in which teachers discuss what they observed during Mahesh's lesson and what they can take away to use in their own teaching.

This experience has been very powerful and a real 'game-changer' in terms of how we teach math in the Laconia School District. Ask you student about what they are learning about math with Cuisenaire rods, unifix cubes, and visual cluster cards. Our students are building a solid understanding of mathematical concepts that will support their learning significantly over the time ahead.

Professor Sharma's next visit to Laconia will be in late October. As part of that program, Mahesh will offer an opportunity for parents to meet with him and learn more about his approach to mathematics instruction. He will likely improve your understanding of mathematical concepts, and will share ways in which you can help to build mathematical intelligence and ability in your child(ren). The meeting will be held at the Laconia Middle School on the evening of Thursday, November 3rd, from 6:00-7:30pm. We hope that you will be able to join us for this evening which will be enlightening for parents, and provide them with skills to help their children become even better math students.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Welcome Back, Students and Parents!

It is a tremendous pleasure, and honor, to welcome you back to a new and exciting year at the Woodland Heights School. There are just a few notes and reminders I wanted to share with you today.

Our Opening Days … First of all, we are off to an absolutely fantastic start this year. The WHS students, staff, and families worked so very well together yesterday. Everyone was extremely upbeat and excited to begin our new school year. All of our systems (arrival, lunch, recess, and dismissal) went like clockwork – almost like we never left for the summer!

Help Make It A Great Start For Your Child – Every Day! On that note, we really want to thank you for all that you have done to prepare your child(ren) for school. Also, your support in helping your child get off to a smooth start each day is extremely important. If a child ‘gets off on the wrong foot’, s/he plays catch up all day, and that is both difficult and exhausting. Please do all that you can to help ensure that your child gets plenty of rest every night, enjoys a nutritious breakfast, and has a calm morning experience before school. Again, if your child has a great morning at home and gets to school on time, s/he comes to school steps ahead of the game, rather than steps behind.

Arrivals and Dismissals: Regarding buses to start the year, it can take a little while for our families and bus drivers to work out the kinks of their new routines and get everything working smoothly and efficiently. Anticipate that your child’s bus might be early or arrive a bit late at both ends of the day. Thank you, in advance, for your patience! Parents have been doing an absolutely fantastic job following our student drop-off and student pick-up routines to begin the school year. Your continued support in this area will help us to be most efficient with our procedures, and will help us to assure the safety of all people involved during these times of day.

To be In The Know ….. Check out our school website at At our website we have all the information you would ever want about our school (and more!). Please take some time to check it out soon.
Join the Team! The Woodland Heights School PTO meets on the second Tuesday evening of every month at 6:30pm. Our first meeting of the year will be held on Tuesday, September 13th. To learn more about the organization and how you can help support the PTO and our school, please plan to stop by the meeting or contact one of the PTO officers. The PTO has a very important fundraiser now underway. Yesterday you received information about the Cherrydale Farms fundraiser that they are running until September 20th. Proceeds from this fundraiser will be used for school enrichment programs and assemblies, field trips, playground improvements, and much more. Please support this fundraiser by purchasing what you can, and encouraging your friends and family to do the same. It’s all for a great cause: improving and enriching your child’s learning experiences as a student at WHS!

In the time ahead we look forward to partnering with you to make it a great year for your student(s) here at Woodland Heights. Please do not hesitate to contact us whenever you have a question, concern, or need. We will do our best you help in any way that we can.