Tuesday, February 28, 2012

New Publications for New Woodland Families!

Coming into a new school community can be confusing, and a little scary for parents (just as it is for their children). As open, inviting, and as welcoming as we try to be here at Woodland Heights School, we get that. For that reason, we are proud to roll out two new publications for our new families. One is an extremely user-friendly and brief document that includes all the information you really need to get settled here at WHS, and another, more long-winded and thorough document that I have authored. Tami Horan, school secretary and daily operations manager for our school is 'not working' during this vacation week, yet she came in to school today, and (in addition to a million other things) has got her new family brochure nearly ready to go -- it will be ready for distribution as soon as we get back from Break. As I was in the office all day, and because it was a quiet school vacation day, I could focus on just a few projects at once (what a treat!). The result was the new document we have to share with families new to our district that I have pasted below -- it also appears in the 'News and Bulletins' banner to the right. Even if you are not new to Woodland Heights, you might find this informative reading. As always, if you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me at school during normal business hours, or an time through email. All of your friends here at WHS hope that you and your family are enjoying a wonder Winter Break. See you in March!!

Monday, February 27, 2012

At WHS, We Are A Professional Learning Community. What Does That Mean?

Although our school staff began its journey toward becoming a Professional Learning Community last year, it wasn't until this year that the formal movement gained real momentum. This circumstance was in large part due to the foresight of our school district administration and school board who supported the creation of a new position within our school district, Academic Coordinator of Teaching and Learning -- Elementary. You may recall that this position was created by eliminating three other popsitions in our school district (elementary level 'Literacy Coaches'). Mrs. Gail Bourn has made enormous contributions to the ongoing improvement of our school (and district) curriculum, instruction, and assessment (C.I.A.) practices, but perhaps no contribution has been greater than in formalizing our school's weekly grade-level Professional Learning Community (PLC) meetings. Gail's skill in facilitating these meetings is amazing -- matched only by the tremendous level of commitment, ownership, and engagement in these meetings demonstrated by our school's teaching staff!

Once a week during their preparatory period (while their students are in Art, Music, P.E., etc.) grade level teachers and interventionists meet with Mrs. Bourn and myself to make progress on an initiative selected and agreed upon by the group. There is typically a particular protocol/procedure chosen to give form to our weekly discussions which results in tangible outcomes that help our school 'get to the next level'. At WHS, we are constantly on the move: always reflecting, assessing, researching, adjusting, and implementing.

The keys to effective PLCs are a high degree of teacher collaboration, shared goals, and mutual accountability. Our teachers and interventionists are organized into functional teams that are committed to excellence in practice and in continuous improvement. With their continued collaborative efforts toward mutually held 'SMART' goals, we know that student learning experiences at Woodland Heights will continue to improve.

Thank you, Mrs. Bourn, and thank you teachers, for all that you are doing to help our school assure quality learning experiences and maximize the opportunity for achievement for all of our students. Committing to a focused and vibrant Professional Learning Community system is an enormous step toward that goal. Way to go, Team!!!

For more information on PLCs, check out this website at your convenience.

Math Games to Play with Your Family to Improve Math Skills

During our recent Family Math Night Event featuring a special presentation by our school district's mathematics instruction consultant, Dr. Mahesh Sharma, families were reminded how much mathematics skill and reasoning can ge cultivated through the play of many favorite family games. After his presentation, Professor Sharma answered questions from parents and faculty, and then rotated from game table to game table to converse, coach, and enjoy the company of his new found friends. At each game table, families were invited to engage in play of several games set up and modeled by members of our school district's Math & Science Council and other interested teacher volunteers. At the end of the evening, families could exchange a coupoun given to them by our Assistnat Superintendent, Terri Forsten, for a game of their choice to take home and enjoy with their families for many years to come.

Thank you, Mahesh, Mrs. Forsten, teachers, families, and students, for making our Family Math Night so educational -- and so enjoyable!

For more information on mathematical skills development through the playing of games, check out Dr. Sharma's paper posted on this blog.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Beginning our 'Second Half' at THE Woodland Heights School!

Just a couple of weeks ago we were treated to an outstanding Superbowl contest between two great teams that represent so much that we stand for here at Woodland Heights School: hard work, dedication, resilience, courage, intelligence, teamwork, expectation, excellence. During the climax of my 'You Be A Champion in 2012' speech given at the close of our February School Spirit Assembly, I showed this video to our school community for dramatic effect. The clip fit so perfectly just two days before our beloved New England Patriots took the field against another local favorite, the New York football Giants in Superbowl XLVI. On the field that evening, the NFL 'Champion' team would be crowned, though we all know that every player and coach who took the field that day were true champions, regardless of the final score at the end of the game.

The same is true of the members of our Woodland Heights School Community. We all seek to be champions in our own way, bringing our best to the 'field' at Woodland Heights. In doing so, we become better, and we make our team stronger. No school I have ever had the good fortune to be associated with (and that is quite a few now), enjoys and lives in a stronger community than Woodland Heights School in the fine City of Laconia, NH.

During our WHS Staff Meeting this past Thursday morning, I showed teachers this commercial which appeared during half-time of the Superbowl in order to punctuate my message that we are currently at the half-time of our school year. After an amazingly productive and successful first half of this school year, we anticipate even greater things during our own 'second half'.

I assure you that I own no stock in the automotive companies featured in the advertisements. However, I believe very strongly in and relate very passionately to their messages about our country; its past, its present, and its future. The same message can be made for our city, its school system, and our very own Woodland Heights School. In fact, I have used this similar superbowl advertisement in staff meetings last year to dramatically make a case for the need of our staff to pool our collective strength and resilience in the face of the challenges we face, and take awesome pride in the truly amazing and literally life-saving work that we do every day. As we often say at WHS: "We are Woodland, and this is what we do."

The Laconia School District, and Woodland Heights School: so impressive, and so glad to be here. Be on our team, Laconia; our second half is about to begin, and you won't want to miss a minute of our program [go to our school website, scroll down to 'What's Up Woodland', and check it out!!].

Your principal, colleague, and friend,

Dennis W. Dobe

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Woodland Heights Offers New 'Woodland Wildcat' Apparel

Thanks to the contributions of many WHS staff members and students, we now have new school colors (green & white), and a new 'Woodland Wildcat' mascot logo. Here is a peak at our new wildcat -- I think you'll agree that he is a serious, smart, and friendly looking fellow:

Now thanks to our beloved WHS-PTO, we have a new opportunity to purchase Woodland Wildcat apparel to promote school identity and pride. After all, "WE ARE WOODLAND!!"

Here is some information on what a local vendor has put together for our new school apparel drive. Students were recently sent home with order forms for this WHS 'bling'. If you missed the mailing, you can call or email us for an additional form -- or just stop by and visit your friends in the WHS Main Office anytime.

Show your Woodland Pride, and order your Wildcat gear soon!

Join Us For A Title I Family Math Night With Dr. Mahesh Sharma

The Laconia School District is pleased to be hosting a week with Professor Mahesh Sharma from February 13-17.

Over the course of the coming week, Dr. Sharma will be visiting classrooms and meeting with teachers across the district at our elementary, middle, and high schools. Mahesh will be working with us to consult on our progress in implementing our district's new mathematics non-negotiable curriculum standards. As our math initiative unfolds, and if we are able to deliver on the promise of attaining the grade level standards/expectations for every student, we will be further along at the start of each and every year. This will allow our students to advance in their acquisition of mathematics skills at a faster pace each year, which will ultimately promote greater conceptual understanding, analytical abilities, and mathematics problem-solving skills as they progress through our mathematics program continuum. In the Laconia School District we are making certain that we can walk before we attempt to run. In the forseeable future, we will do more than run -- every Laconia student will SOAR, each and every day!!

Join us for a fun and informative math night hosted by your very own Woodland Heights School on Wednesday evening, February 15th, from 5:45-6:45pm in the WHS MPR. We hope to see you there!