Sunday, February 12, 2012

Join Us For A Title I Family Math Night With Dr. Mahesh Sharma

The Laconia School District is pleased to be hosting a week with Professor Mahesh Sharma from February 13-17.

Over the course of the coming week, Dr. Sharma will be visiting classrooms and meeting with teachers across the district at our elementary, middle, and high schools. Mahesh will be working with us to consult on our progress in implementing our district's new mathematics non-negotiable curriculum standards. As our math initiative unfolds, and if we are able to deliver on the promise of attaining the grade level standards/expectations for every student, we will be further along at the start of each and every year. This will allow our students to advance in their acquisition of mathematics skills at a faster pace each year, which will ultimately promote greater conceptual understanding, analytical abilities, and mathematics problem-solving skills as they progress through our mathematics program continuum. In the Laconia School District we are making certain that we can walk before we attempt to run. In the forseeable future, we will do more than run -- every Laconia student will SOAR, each and every day!!

Join us for a fun and informative math night hosted by your very own Woodland Heights School on Wednesday evening, February 15th, from 5:45-6:45pm in the WHS MPR. We hope to see you there!