Welcome Back, 2011

September 2nd, 2011

Warm Woodland Greetings to All of Our New and Returning Friends!!

It is a tremendous pleasure, and honor, to welcome you back to a new and exciting year at the Woodland Heights School. There are just a few notes and reminders I wanted to share with you today.

Our Opening Days … First of all, we are off to an absolutely fantastic start this year. The WHS students, staff, and families worked so very well together yesterday. Everyone was extremely upbeat and excited to begin our new school year. All of our systems (arrival, lunch, recess, and dismissal) went like clockwork – almost like we never left for the summer!

Help Make It A Great Start For Your Child – Every Day! On that note, we really want to thank you for all that you have done to prepare your child(ren) for school. Also, your support in helping your child get off to a smooth start each day is extremely important. If a child ‘gets off on the wrong foot’, s/he plays catch up all day, and that is both difficult and exhausting. Please do all that you can to help ensure that your child gets plenty of rest every night, enjoys a nutritious breakfast, and has a calm morning experience before school. Again, if your child has a great morning at home and gets to school on time, s/he comes to school steps ahead of the game, rather than steps behind.

Arrivals and Dismissals: Regarding buses to start the year, it can take a little while for our families and bus drivers to work out the kinks of their new routines and get everything working smoothly and efficiently. Anticipate that your child’s bus might be early or arrive a bit late at both ends of the day. Thank you, in advance, for your patience! Parents have been doing an absolutely fantastic job following our student drop-off and student pick-up routines to begin the school year. Your continued support in this area will help us to be most efficient with our procedures, and will help us to assure the safety of all people involved during these times of day.

To be In The Know ….. Check out our school website at http://www2.laconiaschools.org/whs/. At our website we have all the information you would ever want about our school (and more!). Please take some time to check it out soon.

Join the Team! The Woodland Heights School PTO meets on the second Tuesday evening of every month at 6:30pm. Our first meeting of the year will be held on Tuesday, September 13th. To learn more about the organization and how you can help support the PTO and our school, please plan to stop by the meeting or contact one of the PTO officers. The PTO has a very important fundraiser now underway. Yesterday you received information about the Cherrydale Farms fundraiser that they are running until September 20th. Proceeds from this fundraiser will be used for school enrichment programs and assemblies, field trips, playground improvements, and much more. Please support this fundraiser by purchasing what you can, and encouraging your friends and family to do the same. It’s all for a great cause: improving and enriching your child’s learning experiences as a student at WHS!

In the time ahead we look forward to partnering with you to make it a great year for your student(s) here at Woodland Heights. Please do not hesitate to contact us whenever you have a question, concern, or need. We will do our best you help in any way that we can.

Warmly and sincerely,

Dennis W. Dobe, Principal