Friday, October 15, 2010

WHS Parent Forum on School Improvement Announced

Wow, another great week at WHS! Despite a soggy Friday, we enjoyed a lot of outstanding fall weather while at recesses earlier in the week. A highlight at the end of last week was the opportunity for some of our 1st Graders to plant two new apple trees on our campus (thank you Mrs. Levesque, Mr. Caruso, and Petal Pushers Farm!). Our students and staff worked hard in their classrooms this week, and our 3rd & 4th Graders took their NECAP assessment this week -- we were busy!

Speaking of NECAP, there have been some questions raised by parents about the tests and what the results tell us about our school. I would like to invite all WHS parents into the school on Thursday evening, October 21st, from 7-8pm. in our school library to discuss our most recent NECAP school results and our School in Need of Improvement (SINI) designation. Coffee and light refreshments will be served!

The WHS Staff is continually involved in personal professional development, and are actively and productively engaged in many school improvement initiatives as well. On the 19th, I'd like to share: an overview of the NECAP assessment program at WHS, our school's performance on that assessment over recent years, our SINI status and what that means, our school goals for this year, and an update on our school improvement intitiatives.

The night should be both informative and highly interactive. During the meeting, we hope to address your concerns and answer your questions about our school and our course for ongoing school improvement. We hope that you will be able to join us!