Saturday, March 22, 2014

WHS-PTO Literary Movie Night a Hit!

On Friday evening, March 21st, the WHS-PTO hosted a literary movie night featuring 'The Lorax'.  What a great family evening at Woodland Heights School!

The well-attended event was eagerly anticipated by many Woodland families.  We were able to watch a great movie together with an important message, enjoy event intermissions that featured 'Guess What' games about the life of Dr. Seuss, messages about the importance of family reading experiences, teacher presentations on their favorite Dr. Seuss book which included passage readings, plenty of delicious popcorn and water, and a Dr. Seuss book giveaway (two beautiful hardcover Dr. Seuss books for every child in attendance courtesy of our school's Title I grant).

Thank you families, volunteers, teachers, and students for a wonderful evening at Woodland Heights!