Saturday, October 5, 2013

It is Time for NECAP Testing at WHS!

       This coming week we wrap up our fall testing program with the NECAP statewide assessment for students in Grades 3, 4, & 5.  Students will test in the morning each day with all students taking subtests in Reading and Mathematics, while 5th Graders will also take subtests in Writing.  These ‘pencil and paper’ booklet tests are very challenging, and tend to exhaust our students.  Student commitment to doing well on the tests has a great deal to do with their eventual scores (which will be available to us in the winter).  Each day that students take the NECAP test, they will receive a FREE breakfast from our food service department! You can help our students do well next week by talking to them about the tests, and making certain that they understand your expectations for good effort on the tests, as in all schoolwork.  Students should be well-rested for testing, and should be to school on time.  These recommendations (plenty of rest and punctual school attendance) are good to follow any school day, but are especially important during testing periods.  Many thanks, in advance, for your good efforts to promote good learning and good testing for your child(ren) in our school.

       In other news related to testing, our students recently completed their AIMSweb (Grades K-2) or NWEA (Grades 3-5) testing, and we are currently generating reports to send home with students over the coming week.  When you receive these reports and have questions about the test, report, or your child’s performance, please speak to your child’s teacher by making a phone call to the school, or emailing her at your convenience.

       Our Wildcats continue to impress us with their hard work in class, and their academic achievement as evidenced through our school and district testing process.  The results we receive from our testing program guide our decisions as we continue to improve all that we do here at Woodland Heights.  Thank you, once again, for having a talk with your child about the importance of testing, and your expectation for him/her to show their best effort. 

       From all of your friends at WHS:  Happy Weekend!!